The address of the Residence is
Via dei Martiri delle Foibe Istriane, 28
07029 San Pasquale (Sassari)
The management of the Floreal Residence is entrusted to Cosina Sini and to her husband Bernard Stumpf.
Cell +39 345 791 8433
Residence guests can count on useful services or information for their stay at any time.
Staff at the Residence have always been appreciated for their professionality and kindness.
The warm family environment contributes significantly to the satisfaction enjoyed by our guests during their stays in our Residence.
Dear Customer,
in wishing you a pleasant and relaxing holiday at the Floreal Residence, the Management asks you to read and observe the following provisions:
WATER - We kindly ask you to use it sparingly (for example, use the washing machine and the dishwasher only at full load); it is forbidden to wash cars, rafts or surfboards inside the Residence.
PETS - Authorized pets must not climb on the beds or sofas. Furthermore, the garden must under no circumstances be used for the physiological needs of the animals.
BATHROOMS - We ask you not to throw away scraps of food, cotton wool, plastic, nappies or other objects in the bathroom drains.
BARBECUE - Please clean the grill before departure. THE PENAL'S COST IS 50 Euro. Barbecuing is forbidden on windy days.
DAMAGES - Some inconveniences can always happen. If you have unintentionally caused any damage, please inform the residence management immediately so that it can view it and, if necessary, remedy it immediately.
THEFT - Please always close the access door of your apartment during your absence. Do not leave valuables either in the car or at home. Always close all windows before going out. The Management, in case of theft, does not assume any responsibility.
SAFE - Use the safe for your valuables. At the end of your stay, remember to empty the contents and leave the door open.
LIGHT - The apartment's electrical panel is designed to supply 4.5 kW of electrical power. We recommend that you do not use or operate all electrical appliances at the same time, in order to avoid overloading and interrupting the supply. For ecological and civic duty, do not forget to turn off unnecessary lights, especially during the day.
GAS - Close the supply of gas, especially at night, by closing the tap under the sink. It is a precaution that can save lives.
HOME KEYS - Don't forget your keys at home. We will charge you Euro 50 for each door opening or replacement of the lock.
TV, DVD, SATELLITE SYSTEM - Please do not change the settings provided by us. They are optimized for the widest possible use in relation to the location of the Residence.
SHUTTERS /WINDOWS - We recommend that you always place the latch on the shutters to prevent the strong wind from hitting them.
INTERNAL RULES - In the interests of all, it is essential not to disturb the neighbors with noises and behaviors that may disturb the tranquility of the residence.
FINAL CLEANING - The final cleaning is by the Management. Guests are responsible for: · completely emptying the refrigerator from any food · completely emptying drawers, cupboards, wardrobes, etc. · Wash all the dishes, casseroles, and BARBECUE etc. · Remove the rubbish·